French Bulldogs
French Bulldogs are easily one of the cutest breeds of dogs to have graced the world of humans. They're cuddly, super-compact, and extra adorable with their pouty-face.
It isn't surprising then that Frenchies are popular with dog-lovers around the world. In fact, French Bulldogs were the UK's favourite dog breed in 2018.
But, looks aren't all that’s fabulous about French Bulldogs. They are excellent companion dogs and can make exceptional babysitters when the situation calls for it. Surprised? Well, you haven't even heard half of it yet.
Keep reading to discover some mind-blowing facts about Frenchies.

Some canines are completely oblivious to criticism, while others don't mind a stern reprimand. But, Frenchie fur-babies are quite sensitive when it comes to faultfinding.
French Bulldogs respond to positive reinforcement and encouraging words a lot better than scolding. It's not uncommon to find a Frenchie moping around after receiving a word or two of disapproval.
If you're the proud parent of a French Bulldog, then you need to be aware of the fact that Frenchies need careful handling to keep their little hearts from breaking.
Be it an acquired skill or an innate ability - most dogs turn out to be brilliant swimmers. However, French Bulldogs aren't a part of that illustrious group.
Frenchies don't make great swimmers because of their anatomy. First off, they have really short muzzles - which means if you place a Frenchie in water, they'll have to tilt their head way back to avoid water from going in their nose and mouth.
Secondly, the disparity of size between the large heads and short legs can play havoc with their ability to float. Suffice it to say, you should keep your French Bulldog away from large bodies of water.
You know what they say - get yourself a French Bulldog and you may never have to hire a babysitter ever again. Okay, so no one says that...but they ought to.
The French Bulldog breed is unbelievably gentle with kids. Not to mention they're very protective of little ones. Remember that this breed makes great companions? That's doubly true in the case of children.
Oh, and did we mention Frenchies aren't big on barking? So, if you're planning on adopting a dog to complete your family, then the French Bulldog will make a great addition.
A lot of people think twice before getting a pet dog simply because they don't have enough time to devote to a canine's exercise regimen.
It's a well-known fact that most dogs have certain exercise needs to stay fit mentally and physically. But, Frenchies are quite trouble-free when it comes to such matters.
French Bulldogs aren't as active as some other dog breeds, and a simple walk through the park is more than enough to keep them fit.
Although, you should definitely refer to your vet to get a better idea of your Frenchie's workout needs.
French Bulldogs are prone to certain health conditions because of their anatomy. For instance, the facial structure of Frenchies makes them prone to developing brachycephalic syndrome. Dogs with this disorder snort and snuffle quite a bit, and that's why you should always keep a close watch on Frenchie's breathing.
This breed is also susceptible to hip dysplasia (a hereditary condition in which the femur doesn't fit the way it's supposed to un the socket of the hip joint).
If you're looking to get yourself a French Bulldog, then it's a good idea to refer to a reputable breeder to make sure you're not getting a pup with breathing and joint problems.
The French Bulldog breed is known for its intelligence and tenacity, and that's why training them can be a struggle. Despite their intellect, Frenchies take a while to pick up things during training, and that's why you should be patient with them. Believe it or not, if your Frenchie feels your impatience, it'll dig in its little heels even more - we told you they're smart!
Even though Frenchies make brilliant pets, their anatomy limits them in certain ways. For example, male French Bulldogs have trouble mounting females because of their stature, and that's why Frenchie reproduction often takes place through artificial insemination.
Apart from that, because of their narrow hips, female Frenchies can't give birth to puppies. Veterinarians perform C-sections on pregnant French Bulldogs to get the puppies out when its time.
But, Frenchies are voracious eaters, and they love their treats. Not to mention, you may need to resort to doggy treats while training French Bulldogs because they respond better to positive reinforcement. All this makes maintaining your Frenchie's ideal weight a bit of a challenge.
But, before you get too disheartened, you can keep your fur-baby's weight under control by giving it healthy meals and treats without additives and fillers. If you're looking for a reliable place to procure some hearty pet treats, then be sure to check here.
French Bulldogs are fascinating animals, and they're a joy to be around. They might require a little more care in certain aspects than other dog breeds, but their positive qualities more than makeup for this detail.
If you've been leaning towards getting yourself a Frenchie as a pet, then we can only applaud your choice. Although, we do recommend you do your research thoroughly about how to take care of a French Bulldog.