How Do I Become A Zero Waste Pet Owner

Jan 31, 2022


How do i become a zero waste pet owner? There are so many small changes we can make in our own lives to be more environmentally friendly. Including how we care for our pets. How we choose and use products can have a huge impact on the environment and wildlife.

Walking to the park rather than driving to take your dog for a walk. Or feeding your wild birds with a biodegradable coconut feeder can make a world of difference over a space of time.

So, whether you are a lifelong pet owner or you’re taking your first steps to becoming one. We have put together some tips to help reduce your pets’ carbon paw print.

Top tips for being an eco friendly pet owner



dog poo bags for dogs
Did you know that an estimated £21 million is spent by councils cleaning up dog poop every year? Dog poo is not only costly in terms of money but is also costly to the environment.
Most dog owners collect their dog waste in plastic bags. Then dispose of it in the nearest bin. But how many use bags that are biodegradable?
Some of the bags end up buried in a landfill site where they and their contents will remain for many years.
They become a major contributor to the methane gas that comes out of landfill. Not ours! Our motto has always been “bag it bin it” and to help save the world one poo at a time our bags are fully biodegradable.

The packaging they come in is made from recyclable materials. We have even made them scented to make this not-so-glamorous job a little bit fresher.


Whether you feed your pet dry, wet, or raw food the main area you should focus on is the packaging. Always try to find food and treats with recyclable packaging. The best way to avoid packaging is to buy food loose and store it using your own reusable containers.

Buying a loose product is the only way to ensure the full reduction of any packaging. With this in mind, we always offer our products in bulk boxes and wherever this is not possible we use recyclable materials to package our individual treats. Buying in bulk also means you always have a stock of your pet’s favourite treat.

See our bulk products

WALK THIS WAY dog in the park

It can be very tempting to drive to a beautiful park to take your dog for a walk, even though there might be other suitable places to go within walking distance. If you are meeting up with friends and their pups, consider carpooling and share the driving.

Maybe consider taking public transport or even taking public transport where pets are allowed can make a big difference.


There are many plastic toys that dogs enjoy playing with, but those toys can have an impact on the environment.

If you want to be more environmentally friendly, then you could make some DIY toys for your dog by using t-shirts, rope, and other old belongings.

Why spend money on plastic toys when you can make dog toys on your own that your furry friend can enjoy?


Being a zero-waste pet owner us not only dog toys where you can be eco-friendly, there are a number of biodegradable products available if you want to reduce your carbon footprint.

recyclable and biodegradable poo bags for dogs

Biodegradable products come in all shapes and sizes from biodegradable cat litter, eco-friendly cleaning products, and dog collars and leads.  The spectrum is wide and varied and even feeding your garden birds can be eco-friendly.

Feeding your wild birds using coconut feeders can help reduce your carbon footprint, enjoy watching the birds feast in its contents whilst knowing you are helping the environment.  Once your birds have had their fill from the contents the shells can be used as a water feeder or throw on the compost heap to rot down.

Check out our bird treats

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Shop our Natural Dog Treats by protein source. From Beef dog treats to venison dog treats, we have everything for dogs of all breeds and sizes.

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From Calming dog treats to high protein dog treats, we have everything your dog needs for a healthy, happy life.